How to sleep like a Finn, from cold bedrooms to separate duvets

A recent study found that the Nordic nation may be home to the best sleepers in the world

Good sleep is as heavily promoted in Finland as other aspects of health such as diet and exercise, says Nick Harding
Good sleep is as heavily promoted in Finland as other aspects of health such as diet and exercise, says Nick Harding Credit: Rii Schroer

No wonder Santa chooses to live in Finland. It has the cleanest air in the world according to the World Health Organisation and, says Statista, was the happiest place on Earth last year. Clearly a nation that only has 5.5 million citizens but can still produce the iconic Nokia 3310, the Angry Birds mobile phone game and Formula One legend Kimi Räikkönen must have something going for it. 

Finland is also a shining example of good living thanks to high levels of income equality, extensive social support and low crime rates. And now a new study indicates another reason why this Scandinavian nation overachieves. Finns are arguably the best sleepers in the world, topping the global snooze ranking. 

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and UK-based Nokia Bell analysed four years of smartwatch data from 30,082 people across 11 countries to discover that Finns got a solid eight hours and one minute a night on average, as opposed to an average seven hours 44 minutes for Brits. Bleary-eyed Japan was bottom of the table with six hours and 51 minutes a night. 

A quick glance at the data from my Finnish-made Oura ring, voted best sleep tracker of 2023 by the Sleep Foundation, tells me that last night I was well below Finnish standards and only got six hours, 12 minutes of shut-eye. But I am an erratic sleeper. I get sent to the “naughty room” several times a week by my wife for a range of transgressions including snoring, restless legs and duvet hogging. 

A recent study found that, on average, Finns get eight hours and one minute of sleep, the highest of any participating nation Credit: Rii Schroer

With these matters weighing heavily on me, I went in search of the secrets of Scandi sleep and found Tiina Paunio, who is professor of psychiatry and SleepWell research programme director at the University of Helsinki. 

“In Finland people are usually aware of the importance of sleep for their health. It is talked about in schools and pre-schools and in the news. In general, it is good that people are so aware,” she explains. 

“One thing that is specific to Finland and other Nordic countries is that we have high variations in daylight. The daylight in Helsinki, for example, is 19 hours in summertime and six hours in wintertime. This certainly affects the sleep patterns in all Nordic countries,” continues Prof Paunio. 

Healthy sleep is so prized in Finland that all expectant mothers are given a box by the state full of clothes, toys and essentials which also comes with a mattress and bedding and doubles up as many babies’ first beds. Finnish mothers traditionally leave their children to sleep outside in buggies and prams, almost from birth. 

Good sleep is as heavily promoted in Finland as other aspects of health such as diet and exercise. And for those who don’t sleep well, help is readily available. The biggest hospital in Finland, Helsinki University Hospital, runs a popular internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTI) programme which can be prescribed by a doctor. 

The key, says Prof Paunio, is to get an established sleep pattern and to stick to it. 

Daylight in Helsinki is around 19 hours in summertime, making an eye mask a must-have for Finns Credit: Rii Schroer

“Maximising sleep time is not really the point, although one should try to satisfy the individual need for sleep, which is usually seven to eight hours for adults,” she reveals. “Most important is that you should have a regular rhythm. Go to bed at the same time and wake at the same time during the week and the weekend.” 

She also explains that sleep quality is better when people exercise and, importantly, bed is for sleeping.

“You should not spend extra time in bed,” she advises. “Other bed activities like watching TV and doing social media are not recommended.” 

There are some cultural idiosyncrasies which can be adopted by non-Finns. The “Scandinavian method” of making the bed, for example, involves each of you having your own duvet so you can choose which tog suits you best and wrap yourself up in it without disturbing your partner. 

And another Nordic tradition believed to aid sleep is an evening sauna to raise your body temperature, relax muscles and help respiration. According to a 2019 survey of 482 respondents, 83.5 per cent reported sleep benefits that lasted up to two nights after using a sauna. Luckily, my health club membership includes access to a sauna and steam room. On the days that I have used them, I certainly felt more relaxed at bedtime and slept like a Finnish baby, although not in a cardboard box.

Indeed I slept so well I was informed the following morning that I was snoring louder than usual and for the rest of the week not only could I have a separate duvet, I could place it on a separate bed as well. 

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